Expo SDK 48にアップデートをしたらReactのバージョンが最新になり、Enzymeがサポートされなくなったので、すべてのテストケースをtesting-library/react-nativeに置き換えた
■ Enzymeでのテストコード src/components/pages/Home/tests/index.test.tsx
import React from 'react'; import { shallow, ShallowWrapper } from 'enzyme'; import { Home, Props } from '../'; const propsHomeData = (): Props => ({ navigation: { setParams: jest.fn(), navigate: jest.fn(), }, route: { params: {}, }, } as any); describe('components/pages/Home/index.tsx', () => { let wrapper: ShallowWrapper; describe('Home', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow(<Home {...propsHomeData()} />); }); it('正常にrenderすること', () => { expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });
shallowを使用すると直下のテストで参照する直下のコンポーネント以外は自動でMockされるので深く考えずにコンポーネントだけimportしたテストコードを書けばOKだった。 この辺はEnzymeの楽なところではあったが、実際の運用的にはテストというよりは修正による影響検知に近い使い方をしていた。
■ react-native-testing-libraryでのテストコード src/components/pages/Home/tests/index.test.tsx
import React from 'react'; import * as Recoil from 'recoil'; import { items } from '__mockData__/item'; import * as useHomeItems from 'hooks/useHomeItems'; import * as client from '@apollo/client'; import { testRenderer } from 'lib/testUtil'; import { screen } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import { Home, Props } from '../'; const propsHomeData = (): Props => ({ navigation: { setParams: jest.fn(), navigate: jest.fn(), setOptions: jest.fn(), addListener: jest.fn(), }, route: { params: {}, }, } as any); describe('components/pages/Home/index.tsx', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Recoil, 'useRecoilValue').mockImplementation((): any => ({ items: items(), })); jest.spyOn(Recoil, 'useRecoilState').mockImplementation((): any => [ { date: '2020-01-01', }, jest.fn(), ]); jest.spyOn(useHomeItems, 'default').mockImplementation((): any => ({ loading: false, error: null, refetch: jest.fn(), })); jest .spyOn(client, 'useQuery') .mockImplementation((): any => [jest.fn(), { loading: false }]); jest.spyOn(client, 'useMutation').mockImplementation((): any => [ jest.fn(), { loading: false, }, ]); }); describe('Home', () => { it('正常にrenderすること', () => { testRenderer(<Home {...propsHomeData()} />)(); expect(screen.findAllByText('今週のmemoirを確認する')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });
import { graphql } from 'msw'; import { ItemDocument, UpdateItemDocument, DeleteItemDocument, ItemsByDateDocument, ItemsInPeriodDocument, RelationshipsDocument, InviteDocument, InviteByCodeDocument, UpdateInviteDocument, CreateInviteDocument, CreateRelationshipRequestDocument, DeleteUserDocument, RelationshipRequestsDocument, AcceptRelationshipRequestDocument, NgRelationshipRequestDocument, UpdateUserDocument, } from 'queries/api/index'; import { aPageInfo, anItem, anItemsInPeriodEdge, aRelationshipEdge, anInvite, aUser, aRelationshipRequest, aRelationshipRequestEdge, } from 'queries/api/mocks'; export const handlers = [ graphql.query(ItemDocument, (req, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ item: { ...anItem(), id: req.variables.id, }, }) ); }), graphql.mutation(UpdateItemDocument, (req, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ updateItem: { id: req.variables.input.id, date: req.variables.input.date, }, }) ); }), graphql.mutation(DeleteItemDocument, (req, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ deleteItem: { id: req.variables.input.id, }, }) ); }), graphql.query(ItemsByDateDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ itemsByDate: [{ ...anItem(), categoryID: 1 }], }) ); }), graphql.query(ItemsInPeriodDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ itemsInPeriod: { pageInfo: aPageInfo(), edges: [anItemsInPeriodEdge()], }, }) ); }), graphql.query(RelationshipsDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ relationships: { pageInfo: aPageInfo(), edges: [aRelationshipEdge()], }, }) ); }), graphql.query(InviteDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ invite: anInvite(), }) ); }), graphql.query(InviteByCodeDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ inviteByCode: aUser(), }) ); }), graphql.mutation(UpdateInviteDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ updateInvite: anInvite(), }) ); }), graphql.mutation(CreateInviteDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ createInvite: anInvite(), }) ); }), graphql.mutation(CreateRelationshipRequestDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ createRelationshipRequest: aRelationshipRequest(), }) ); }), graphql.mutation(DeleteUserDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ deleteUser: aUser(), }) ); }), graphql.query(RelationshipRequestsDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ relationshipRequests: { pageInfo: aPageInfo(), edges: [aRelationshipRequestEdge()], }, }) ); }), graphql.mutation(AcceptRelationshipRequestDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ acceptRelationshipRequest: aRelationshipRequest(), }) ); }), graphql.mutation(NgRelationshipRequestDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ ngRelationshipRequest: aRelationshipRequest(), }) ); }), graphql.mutation(UpdateUserDocument, (_, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.data({ updateUser: aUser(), }) ); }), ];
console.error Warning: An update to Connected inside a test was not wrapped in act(...). When testing, code that causes React state updates should be wrapped into act(...): act(() => { /* fire events that update state */ }); /* assert on the output */ This ensures that you're testing the behavior the user would see in the browser. Learn more at https://reactjs.org/link/wrap-tests-with-act
こちらのエラーはテスト実行中にstate or propsが更新されて再レンダリングがかかっている場合に発生していた。 移行したコード内だと以下のようなコードがある場合に発生。
import React, { memo } from 'react'; import Loading from 'components/atoms/Loading'; import TemplateSearch from 'components/templates/Search/Page'; import { ConnectedType } from './Connected'; type Props = ConnectedType & { loading: boolean; }; const Plain: React.FC<Props> = (props) => { if (props.loading) return <Loading />; return <TemplateSearch users={props.users} onSearch={props.onSearch} />; }; export default memo(Plain);
import React from 'react'; import * as Recoil from 'recoil'; import { testRenderer } from 'lib/testUtil'; import { screen, waitFor, waitForElementToBeRemoved, } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import { user } from '__mockData__/user'; import IndexPage, { Props } from '../'; const propsData = (): Props => ({ navigation: { setParams: jest.fn(), navigate: jest.fn(), }, route: { params: {}, }, }); describe('components/pages/Search/index.tsx', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Recoil, 'useRecoilValue').mockImplementation((): any => ({ ...user(), })); }); it('正常にrenderすること', async () => { testRenderer(<IndexPage {...propsData()} />)(); await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByTestId('atoms_loading')); await waitFor(async () => { expect(screen.findByText('検索')).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });
await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.getByTestId('atoms_loading'));
こんな感じで諸々テストコードを置き換えて、無事Expo Sdk 48のバージョンアップが行えた。